

A Byte About Me

I am a junior support technician for a small IT company. I work in a customer facing role that involves daily challenges that need to be resolved. My desire is to transfer to a development based role and have been building live applications on my Github, so make sure to check it out!


Here are the projects I have built!

Weather Dashboard API

One of the most notable projects I have completed was to create a weather dashboard utilizing a live weather API.

Code Quiz App

A code quiz built on javascript logic.

City Health

The first project I worked on with some of my peers in a group. We designed an app that fetched data on the amount of coronavirus cases in a certain selected area.

Energy Refined

An app built on handlebars and an express backend database, which revolved around a renewable energy forum. Where prices of products can be reveiwed.

Contact Me

If you want to enquire contact me here!